Gaby Borglund for the magazine Femina

Gaby Borglund for the magazine Femina

The author Mari Jungstedt on Gotland for Albert Bonniers Förlag

The author Mari Jungstedt on Gotland for Albert Bonniers Förlag

The authors Alexandra and Alexander Ahndoril (Lars Keppler) for Albert Bonniers Förlag

The authors Alexandra and Alexander Ahndoril (Lars Keppler) for Albert Bonniers Förlag

Singer Martin Almgren for Universal Music

Singer Martin Almgren for Universal Music

Carola Häggkvist for album cover

Carola Häggkvist for album cover

Singer Tomas Ledin for the magazine Femina

Singer Tomas Ledin for the magazine Femina

The illustrator and designer Lovisa Burfitt for the magazine Femina

The illustrator and designer Lovisa Burfitt for the magazine Femina